Our iron is superior to that of other countries.
El nostre ferro és superior al d’altres països.
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Had ye the honest soul of Barclay ye would preach repentance to your king; Ye would tell the royal tyrant of his sins, and warn him of eternal ruin.
Si tinguésseu l’honest esperit de Barclay, predicaríeu el penediment al vostre rei; explicaríeu al tirà reial els seus pecats i l’advertiríeu de la perdició eterna.
Font: riurau-editors
It is somewhat difficult to find a proper name for the government of England.
És una mica difícil trobar un nom adequat per al govern d’Anglaterra.
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Twice was Henry prisoner to Edward, who in his turn was prisoner to Henry.
Enric va ser presoner dues vegades d’Eduard, qui al seu torn fou presoner d’Enric.
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I will face the situation, I am a practicing lawyer, and I will defend myself to the end.
Jo entomaré la situació, sóc un advocat en exercici i em defensaré fins al final.
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And Samuel told all the words of the Lord unto the people, that asked of him a king.
«I Samuel digué al poble, que li demanava un rei, totes les paraules del Senyor.
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The nearer any government approaches to a republic, the less business there is for a king.
Com més s’acosta un govern a una república, menys feina hi ha per al rei.
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Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth!
Vosaltres que goseu oposar-vos no sols a la tirania sinó al tirà, alceu-vos!
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All plans, proposals, &c. prior to the nineteenth of April, i.e., to the commencement of hostilities, are like the almanacs of the last year; which, though proper then, are superseded and useless now.
Tots els plans, les propostes, i companyia, anteriors al 19 d’abril, és a dir, al començament de les hostilitats, són com almanacs de l’any passat, que, per bé que adequats llavors, ara han estat desbancats i són inútils.
Font: riurau-editors
To the Representatives of the Religious Society of the People called Quakers, or to so many of them as were concerned in publishing a late piece, entitled "The ancient testimony and principles of the people called Quakers renewed with respect to the king and government, and touching the commotions now prevailing in these and other parts of America, addressed to the people in general."
Als representants de la Societat Religiosa del Poble anomenat Quàquer, o a tots aquells d’ells implicats en la publicació d’una obra recent titulada «El testimoni antic i els principis del poble anomenat quàquer renovat, pel que respecta al rei i al govern, i tocant a les commocions que ara predominen en aquesta i altres parts d’Amèrica, dirigit al públic en general».
Font: riurau-editors
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