Palace of Malferit XV – XVIII Centuries
Palau-Castell dels Malferit Segles XV – XVIII
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XV located next to the old Ordis Hospital.
XV situat al costat de l’antic Hospital d’Ordis.
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XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urban (BEAU)
XV Biennal Espanyola d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme (BEAU)
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Specialists in tapestries of the XV and XVI century.
Especialistes en tapissos del segle XV i XVI.
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XIV-XV, now boxed between the inn and the road.
XIV-XV, ara encaixonat entre l’hostal i la carretera.
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Global Notebooks XV: Cabo Delgado, cursed mirror of today’s world
Quaderns Globals XV: Cabo Delgado, el mirall maleït del món actual
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Come and enjoy the XV Meeting of Giants Cambrils 2022.
Vine a gaudir de la XV Trobada de gegants de Cambrils 2022.
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Artistic representations of non-dualism in alchemical books (XV-XVII century)
Representacions artístiques de no-dualisme en els llibres alquímics (s. XV-XVII)
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XV as the medieval wall and the tower of the hours.
XV com la muralla medieval i la torre de les hores.
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From November 13 to 17, 2017 the XV International Week takes place.
Del 13 al 17 de novembre 2017 té lloc la XV Setmana Internacional.
Font: MaCoCu
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