It was nicknamed the dustbin.
El seu sobrenom era “l’abocador”.
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Nothing has to go to landfill.
Res ha d’anar a l’abocador.
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A dog is in a landfill.
Hi ha un gos a l’abocador.
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We need to stop recyclable waste ending up in a landfill.
Necessitem aturar que les deixalles reciclables acabin a l’abocador.
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Waste that is not usable is taken to landfill
Aquells residus que no siguin aprofitables es porten a l’abocador
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If I can reuse stuff that would otherwise go to the dump, all the better.
Si puc utilitzar material que d’altra manera aniria a l’abocador, millor.
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He supplemented his shards with stuff from auctions, quarries and the public dump.
Complementava els seus fragments amb coses de subhastes, pedreres i l’abocador públic.
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When the bulwark fell into disuse it was turned into a rubbish tip.
Quan el baluard caigué en desús es convertí en un abocador d’escombraries.
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We will well quickly go through the side of the garbage dump to lower until Bellestar.
Passarem ben de pressa pel costat de l’abocador per baixar fins a Bellestar.
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The landfill has since been capped off and restored to green space.
Des de llavors, l’abocador es va tancar i s’ha convertit en una zona verda.
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