absentista adj
- absentee
Second, develop a protocol allowing the behavior intervene preventatively absentee. | En segon lloc, desenvolupa un protocol que permeti intervenir preventivament sobre el comportament absentista. |
Font: MaCoCu | |
One is a very good student and the other is a perpetual truant. | Un és molt bon estudiant i l’altre és un absentista etern. |
Font: AINA | |
I tried to combine all this by going to work, I was not an absentee diplomat, but I made passports, I defended Mexicans sentenced to death. | Vaig intentar combinar tot això acudint a la meva feina, no vaig ser un diplomàtic absentista, sinó que feia passaports, defensava mexicans condemnats a mort. |
Font: AINA | |
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