Interpreting and applying English texts in an academic way.
Interpretar i utilitzar acadèmicament textos en anglès.
Font: MaCoCu
Thanks to Blanquerna I have progressed academically and professionally.
Gràcies a Blanquerna he progressat acadèmicament i professionalment.
Font: MaCoCu
Academically, the Institute is organized into four research divisions and nineteen research units.
Acadèmicament, l’institut s’organitza en 4 divisions d’investigació i 19 unitats.
Font: MaCoCu
The two houses competed against each other academically and on the sports field.
Les dues cases competien l’una contra l’altra acadèmicament i en el camp esportiu.
Font: Covost2
He did not excel academically, but he began to contribute to the student magazine.
No va sobresortir acadèmicament, però va començar a contribuir a la revista d’estudiants.
Font: Covost2
Identifying sources of data and conducting bibliographic and documentary searches. Interpreting and applying English texts in an academic way.
Identificar fonts de dades i fer recerques bibliogràfiques i documentals. Interpretar i utilitzar acadèmicament textos en anglès.
Font: MaCoCu
So in 2016, I attended rallies of then-candidate Donald Trump to study as a scholar the movement supporting him.
El 2016 vaig anar a mítings del candidat Donald Trump a estudiar acadèmicament el moviment de suport.
Font: TedTalks
You have been admitted academically and it has been found that you have submitted all the necessary documentation.
Després d’haver estat admès/a acadèmicament, s’ha revisat que has presentat tota la documentació necessària i està correcta.
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You have been admitted academically to the doctoral programme but you have to provide proof of a formal documentation requirement.
Has estat admès/a acadèmicament al programa de doctorat i et manca acreditar algun requisit formal de la documentació.
Font: MaCoCu
I’m very used to Malcolm. He knows German and French, academically, he does speak a bit, but he prefers not to.
Hi estic molt acostumat… Coneix l’alemany i el francès, acadèmicament; els parla una mica, però prefereix no fer-ho.
Font: MaCoCu
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