But when someone lives in Iran, they should abide by the laws of the country...
Tanmateix, quan es viu a l’Iran, s’ha d’acatar les lleis del país.
Font: globalvoices
Each order of the guards is to be obeyed immediately.
Cal acatar qualsevol ordre dels guardes.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
You say as a man of the law that the people must abide by the laws of the country so these can just be any laws?
Dius, com a home de llei, que la gent ha d’acatar les lleis del país. Així doncs, pot ser qualsevol llei?
Font: globalvoices
Some of these policies may be mandatory for a particular Project or Project edition, and, when they are, you agree to abide by them as applicable.
Algunes d’aquestes normes poden ser obligatòries per a un projecte particular i, en aquest cas, vós accepteu d’acatar-les, segons correspongui.
Font: MaCoCu
Obviously we must abide by the principle of subsidiarity.
Òbviament, hem d’acatar el principi de subsidiarietat.
Font: Europarl
My client complied with that order.
El meu client va acatar aquesta ordre.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
Or does it, on the contrary, intend to accept the export ban?
O, per contra, pensa acatar la prohibició d’exportacions?
Font: Europarl
It does not have to abide by the rules of the country of origin.
No ha d’acatar les normes del país d’origen.
Font: Europarl
As far as Afghanistan is concerned, we shall probably have to adhere to the international accords.
Pel que fa a l’Afganistan, segurament haurem d’acatar els acords internacionals.
Font: Europarl
Our decisions have been annulled and we must follow the law.
Les nostres decisions han estat anul·lades i hem d’acatar la llei.
Font: Europarl
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