Take it alone, or in good company.
Pren-lo sol, i ben acompanyat.
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He was in the company of prostitutes at the time.
En aquell moment estava acompanyat de prostitutes.
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Better alone than in bad company.
Més val anar sol que mal acompanyat.
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Sometimes it is accompanied by vocals.
A vegades, va acompanyat de les veus.
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It may be accompanied by vomiting and sweating.
Pot anar acompanyat de vòmits i sudoració.
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Each is accompanied by a briefcomment.
Cada un va acompanyat d’un breu comentari.
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Studies on learning accompanied by social robots.
-Estudis sobre l’aprenentatge acompanyat per robots socials.
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What about a guided electric bike ride?
Un passeig en bicicleta elèctrica acompanyat, dius?
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I need to be accompanied to the consultation.
Necessito anar acompanyat/da a la consulta.
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They have accompanied us throughout the process.
Ens han acompanyat durant tot el procés.
Font: MaCoCu
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