My cat likes to crawl underneath the warm sofa.
Al meu gat li agrada aixoplugar-se sota el sofà calent.
Font: Covost2
Living under a roof is a physical and a psychological need.
Aixoplugar-se sota un sostre és una necessitat física i psicològica.
Font: MaCoCu
To escape the winter cold, the event takes place inside the local center of the Catalan Hiking Club (UEC).
Per aixoplugar-se del fred hivernal, l’acte es duu a terme al local social de la UEC.
Font: MaCoCu
We will also be able to walk along its streets and get to the main square, with its arches and porches, definitely a convenient place to stay when it rains.
També podrem caminar pels seus carrers i arribar a la plaça Major, amb molts porxos on aixoplugar-nos si plou.
Font: MaCoCu
They nest in cliffs and rocky areas of mid-mountains, using caves and natural platforms to take shelter and build the nest.
Cria en penya-segats i roquissars de muntanya mitjana aprofitant coves i lleixes naturals per aixoplugar-se i fer-hi el niu.
Font: MaCoCu
Clearly, our physical conditions wouldn’t have allowed us to survive without "prostheses", objects that help us to cut things, make fire and take shelter.
Les nostres condicions físiques no ens haurien permès sobreviure sense “pròtesis”, objectes que ens ajuden a tallar, fer foc o aixoplugar-nos.
Font: MaCoCu
For mountain lovers, the staffed refuges are an oasis where you can find shelter and recover your strength after a long day of hiking.
Per als fidels de la muntanya, els refugis guardats són un oasi on aixoplugar-se i recuperar forces després d’una exigent jornada de ruta.
Font: MaCoCu
We don’t care one way or the other whether the sky is red or if a flower doesn’t bloom in summer, when we have a place to take shelter, and a warm stove or a fan to make us feel better.
Tant se’ns en dona naps com cols, que el cel sigui rogent o que una flor no faci estiu, quan tenim on aixoplugar-nos i una bona estufa o algun ventilador per aclimatar-nos.
Font: MaCoCu
Come to me for whatever you need to feed them, clothe them, or house them.
Vine a mi per qualsevol cosa que necessiteu per alimentar-los, vestir-los o aixoplugar-los.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
Thus, Decimals, the logical continuation, recorded in the Can Sons studios, persists in the ease of Querol to draw noble scores that invite safe refuge, to shelter near who believes in us.
Així, Decimals, la lògica continuació, enregistrada als estudis Can Sons, persisteix en la facilitat de Querol per traçar nobles partitures que conviden al refugi segur, a aixoplugar-se a la vora d’algú que creu en nosaltres.
Font: MaCoCu
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