He stooped to pick it up.
Es va ajupir per recollir-lo.
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And then, bending down to look for it, he saw his shoes.
I, llavors, en ajupir-se per buscar-ho, va veure les seves sabates.
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This means you will not need to do any crouching or make an effort to read the numbers.
D’aquesta manera, no necessitaràs ajupir-te ni fer esforços per llegir els dígits.
Font: MaCoCu
Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with his finger.
Jesús es va ajupir i començà a escriure a terra amb el dit.
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Players use the control pad to move horizontally and to crouch.
Els jugadors utilitzen el panell de control per moure’s horitzontalment i per ajupir-se.
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It controls like your standard platform game: run, jump, crouch, and kill enemies.
Controla com el teu joc de plataforma estàndard: córrer, saltar, ajupir-se i matar enemics.
Font: Covost2
She crouched down to lace her shoes and spotted a four leaf clover.
Es va ajupir per cordar-se les sabates i va veure un trèvol de quatre fulles.
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He crouched over me, and using both hands, yanked my pants down from my waist.
Es va ajupir sobre meu i, amb les dues mans, em va baixar els pantalons d’una estrebada.
Font: MaCoCu
In addition it is also an extensor and allows us to get back on our feet after bending over.
A més també és extensor i ens permet tornar a posar-nos dempeus després d’ajupir-nos. Dorsal ample
Font: MaCoCu
An insignificant movement such as bending over to pick something up can precipitate the situation, without being the real cause.
Un moviment insignificant com ajupir-se per a recollir alguna cosa pot precipitar la situació, sense ser la causa real.
Font: MaCoCu
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