ALERT possible risks, educating a dynamic and efficiently.
ALERTAR dels possibles perills, educant d’una manera dinàmica i eficient.
Font: MaCoCu
They alerted Scotland Yard, but they still could not prove anything.
Van alertar a Scotland Yard, però encara no podien demostrar res.
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The word “mayday” serves as a warning that an emergency is occurring.
La paraula “mayday” serveix per alertar que s’està produint una emergència.
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The choice of “mayday” to warn of dangerous situations was not accidental.
L’elecció de “mayday” per alertar de situacions perilloses no va ser casual.
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The Incident came into light when one visitor noticed a broken glass frame in the museum.[7]
L’incident es va conèixer quan un visitant va alertar d’un vidre trencat.[7]
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The hunter was alerted by the sound of rustling vegetation behind her.
La caçadora es va alertar pel so del cruiximent de la vegetació darrere seu.
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Other people in the audience also alerted the press and police via cell phones.
Altres persones del públic van alertar també la premsa i la policia mitjançant telèfons mòbils.
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Many states use existing air raid sirens to warn of tornadoes and flash floods.
Molts estats utilitzen les sirenes de defensa civil existents per alertar de tornados i riuades.
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When the city begins to flood, sirens will sound to warn residents and businesses.
Quan la ciutat comença a inundar-se, sonen sirenes per a alertar a residents i negocis.
Font: MaCoCu
CSIC researchers develop a method for alerting to coronavirus from the analysis of wastewater
Investigadors del CSIC desenvolupen un mètode per a alertar del coronavirus a partir de l’anàlisi d’aigües residuals
Font: MaCoCu
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