It was a great relief
Va ser un gran alleujament
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It was a breath of relief.
Va ser un sospir d’alleujament.
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With the decision came relief.
Amb la decisió va arribar l’alleujament.
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The Process of Pain Relief
El procés de l’alleujament del dolor
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Do you know the relief that my disappearance will be?
Saps l’alleujament que suposarà la meva desaparició?
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Other traffic calming measures are also used.
També s’han pres altres mesures d’alleujament del trànsit.
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Look for medical attention if there is no relief.
Busqui atenció mèdica si no hi ha alleujament.
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The relief, as you may well imagine, was stupendous.
L’alleujament, com bé podeu imaginar, va ser formidable.
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Offline, there are forms of relief built into this process.
Fora d’Internet, trobem formes d’alleujament integrades en aquest procés.
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"She looks honest," he said, with a sigh of relief.
«Ella sembla honesta», va dir ell, amb un sospir d’alleujament.
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