It simplifies the process of listing the shares on a public stock exchange.
Simplifica el procés d’allistament d’accions en una borsa pública.
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But it’s better than nothing, and better than enlistment.
Però és millor que res, i millor que l’allistament.
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Very soon thereafter, their enlistment terms expired, and most of the regiment was discharged.
Molt poc després, van expirar els seus termes d’allistament, i la major part del regiment va ser acomiadat.
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Thus, if you jointly receive an enlistment notice and an enlistment call, even if the enlistment deadline is set before the enlistment period, you must still make an enlistment call.
Per tant, si rebeu conjuntament un avís d’allistament i una trucada d’allistament, fins i tot si la data límit d’allistament s’estableix abans del període d’allistament, encara heu de fer una trucada d’allistament.
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Enlisting in transactions is not supported.
No s’admet l’allistament a les transaccions.
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Unit upon enlistment E1 troops.
Unitat a l’allistament de tropes E1.
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The enlistment header was not understood
No es va entendre la capçalera d’allistament
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Then the enlistment ceased to be voluntary.
Aleshores l’allistament va deixar de ser voluntari.
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We found that if you were injured during your enlistment period, you were asked to repay your enlistment bonus on a prorated basis.
Descobrim que si es lesionava durant el període d’allistament, se li demanava que pagués el bo d’allistament de manera prorratejada.
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Enlistment to the German military was also low.
L’allistament a l’exèrcit alemany també va ser baix.
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