He was a student of Rembrandt.
Va ser alumne de Rembrandt.
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The student will learn to analyze references.
L’alumne aprendrà a analitzar referències.
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During the practice, the student will observe:
Durant la pràctica l’alumne observarà:
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We intend that the student learn to:
Pretenem que l’alumne aprengui a:
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Each student receives individual attention.
Cada alumne rep atenció personalitzada.
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The student will develop a personal project.
L’alumne desenvoluparà un projecte personal.
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Competences the student will acquire
Competències que ha d’adquirir l’alumne
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Material which the student must supply:
Material que ha d’aportar l’alumne:
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Any document accrediting the reason given by the student to be considered for part-time status.
Qualsevol document que acrediti la causa al·legada per l’alumne per ser considerat alumne a temps parcial.
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And it is at that precise moment when the bad student becomes an outstanding student.
I és en aquell precís moment quan el mal alumne es converteix en un alumne excepcional.
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