As well can the lover forgive the ravisher of his mistress, as the continent forgive the murders of Britain.
Tant pot l’amant perdonar el violador de la seua amada, com el continent perdonar els assassinats de Bretanya.
Font: riurau-editors
Yes, but they love the blind lover.
Sí, però estimen l’amant cec.
Font: Covost2
Are you a bike lover?
Ets amant de les bicis?
Font: MaCoCu
Are you a food lover?
Ets amant de la gastronomia?
Font: MaCoCu
Do you love good wine?
Ets amant del bon vi?
Font: MaCoCu
Are you a lover of Iberian products?
Ets amant dels productes ibèrics?
Font: MaCoCu
Her lover was in her thoughts.
Ella pensava en el seu amant.
Font: Covost2
Are you a nature lover?
Ets un amant de la natura?
Font: MaCoCu
Are you a hamburger lover?
Ets un amant de les hamburgueses?
Font: MaCoCu
Are you a lover of strong emotions?
Ets amant de les emocions fortes?
Font: MaCoCu
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