He has been accused of things out of bitterness.
Ha estat acusat de coses per amargor.
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It is characterized by its great fineness and lack of bitterness.
Es caracteritza per la seva gran finor i poca amargor.
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Entry sweet roasted malt, with notes of peach and light bittemess.
Entrada de malta dolça amb notes de préssec, amb lleugera amargor.
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He was a contemporary of Aristotle, against whom he wrote with great bitterness.
Va ser contemporani d’Aristòtil, contra el qual va escriure amb veritable amargor.
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So many people have suffered and harbored inside them deep bitterness and grief.
Tantes persones han patit i s’han guardat a dins l’amargor i el dolor.
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A typical pink gin is one part gin and one dash of angostura bitters.
Una típica ginebra rosada porta una part de ginebra i una mica d’amargor d’angostura.
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An article brilliant in literary terms and full of irony and bitterness, but of little use to me right now as a reference.
Article literàriament brillant i ple d’ironia i amargor, però que no em serveix de referència.
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In my mouth it was like sweet honey, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.
A la boca el trobava dolç com la mel, però després d’empassar-me’l, m’omplí d’amargor.
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Balanced and complex, the sweet notes of dried figs balance well with the delicately bitter finish.
Equilibrada i complexa, les notes dolces de figues seques es balancegen amb la delicada amargor final.
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A bold and full-bodied beer that easily withstands the great bitterness that hops give it.
Una cervesa atrevida i corpulenta que suporta fàcilment la gran amargor que li confereix el llúpol.
Font: MaCoCu
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