"Thank you," he said, and the waiter moved away.
«Gràcies» va dir i el cambrer va anar-se’n.
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After the war, he moved to Switzerland.
Després de la guerra va anar-se’n a Suïssa.
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But going home was out of the question.
Però anar-se’n a casa quedava fora de tota discussió.
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They moved to Dundee, Scotland, where she still lives today.
Van anar-se’n a Dundee, Escòcia, on ella encara viu avui dia.
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Being attracted to a person does not imply going to bed with them.
Sentir atracció per una persona no implica anar-se’n al llit amb ella
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Boyle and Maria eventually leave the country towards the United States.
Boyle i Maria finalment abandonen el país per a anar-se’n als Estats Units.
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When the young man is about to leave, she promises to meet him the following day.
Quan el jove està a punt d’anar-se’n, ella promet tornar a veure’l l’endemà.
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They decide to go to Ireland on the assumption that redheads are well treated there.
Finalment, decideixen anar-se’n a Irlanda imaginant que els pèl-rojos hi són ben considerats.
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The weaver entered a workshop as an apprentice, and would only leave the workshop to go to the cemetery.
El teixidor entrava d’aprenent en un taller, i només l’abandonava per a anar-se’n al cementeri.
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The clock stops, and his "spirit" appears, informing him "It’s time to go.
El rellotge s’atura i apareix el seu "esperit", que li diu que "és hora d’anar-se’n".
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