· We do the spring showcase.
· Fem l’aparador de primavera.
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A woman adjusts window display.
Una dona ordena un aparador.
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It consists of a showcase and a store.
Consta d’aparador i botiga pròpiament dita.
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Two men passing a shop window.
Dos homes passant pel davant d’un aparador.
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A woman looking into the window of a French bakery.
Una dona mira l’aparador d’una fleca francesa.
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Two people are looking out of a storefront window.
Dues persones miren pel vidre d’un aparador.
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It has a showcase facing the street, a full bathroom, open plan.
Disposa d’aparador a carrer, bany complet, diàfan.
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A Louis Vuitton store window at night
Un aparador de Louis Vuitton a la nit
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An Asian storefront with bikes and people walking.
Un aparador asiàtic amb bicicletes i gent caminant.
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A worker is cleaning a food display in a restaurant.
Un treballador neteja un aparador a un restaurant.
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