The work was also used to improve the traffic-light network.
També s’ha aprofitat l’actuació per millorar la xarxa semafòrica.
Font: MaCoCu
The space is very well distributed and the decoration is inspired with maritim motives.
L’espai està molt ben aprofitat i decorat amb estil mariner.
Font: MaCoCu
It has been used to manipulate particles such as cells, viruses and macromolecules.
S’ha aprofitat per manipular partícules com ara cèl·lules, virus i macromolècules.
Font: Covost2
The Christians seized upon the weakening of Moorish authority to begin their conquest.
L’afebliment andalusí fou aprofitat pels regnes cristians que n’iniciaren la conquesta.
Font: MaCoCu
In some cases the water power has been harnessed to drive underground mills.
En alguns casos, s’ha aprofitat l’energia de l’aigua per conduir molins subterranis.
Font: wikimedia
Humanity has harnessed electricity and every product is boosted by it.
La humanitat ha aprofitat l’electricitat i tots els productes s’impulsen gràcies a ella.
Font: Covost2
Explain that you have used the time to train, bring yourself up-to-date and gain more experience:
Explica que has aprofitat per formar-te, actualitzar-te i tenir més experiència:
Font: MaCoCu
They have taken advantage of the lower and upper space of the worktop to place several drawers and cupboards.
S’han aprofitat l’espai inferior i superior del taulell per col·locar diversos calaixos i armaris.
Font: MaCoCu
In fact, the mosquito appears to have taken advantage of warming for the past half century.
De fet, el mosquit sembla haver-se aprofitat de l’escalfament durant l’últim mig segle.
Font: MaCoCu
We took advantage of the winter to renovate the lining and beaches of our pool.
Hem aprofitat l’hivern per renovar el revestiment i les platges de la nostra piscina.
Font: MaCoCu
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