I passed my driving test!.
He aprovat l’examen de conduir!
Font: Covost2
The retake exam grade will be qualitative and will only have two possible outputs: PASS or NO PASS.
La qualificació d’exàmens de recuperació serà qualitativa i només tindrà dos resultats possibles: APROVAT o NO APROVAT.
Font: MaCoCu
The amount approved for this is 175.5 million euros.
L’import aprovat és de 175,5 milions.
Font: MaCoCu
Students must have passed E3.
Els alumnes hauran d’haver aprovat E3.
Font: MaCoCu
It wasn’t approved by the other lodgers.
No va ser aprovat pels altres inquilins.
Font: Covost2
This is the highest budget ever approved.
És el pressupost més elevat aprovat mai.
Font: MaCoCu
Document approved by its General Assembly.
Document aprovat per la seva Assemblea General.
Font: MaCoCu
The part that has not been approved or both may be recovered in the event that neither has been approved.
Es podrà recuperar el parcial que no s’hagi aprovat o ambdós en el cas que no s’hagi aprovat cap dels dos.
Font: MaCoCu
Prerequisites It is essential to have successfully completed the course on Mineralogy.
Prerequisits És essencial haver aprovat l’assignatura de Mineralogia.
Font: MaCoCu
• Be approved by the Managing Board of the Society.
• Ser aprovat per la Junta Directiva de la Societat.
Font: MaCoCu
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