Judge Armella was appointed by the Court to carry out the sentence.
El jutge Armella va ser designat per la Cort per executar la sentència.
Font: AINA
Finally, Armella expressed: ""More than an invitation to the Basin, we want to ask you to join us, as they have been doing every year.
Per acabar, Armella va expressar: ""Més que una invitació a la Conca, volem demanar que ens acompanyin, com ho fan cada any.
Font: AINA
He stressed that Armella came with a lot of effort and recalled the marches for the fight of the court in Quilmes since ""we were a center of Lawyers, then College and so much struggle . "".
Ha destacat que Armella ha arribat amb molt d’esforç i ha recordat les marxes per la lluita del jutjat a Quilmes des que ""érem un centre d’Advocats, després Col·legi i tanta lluita"".
Font: AINA
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