They were stored in the Kremlin Armoury.
Es van emmagatzemar a l’armeria del Kremlin.
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They will also take you to visit the high cloister, the armoury and its magnificent refectory.
També et duen a visitar, el claustre alt, l’armeria i el magnífic refectori.
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It’s the largest historic armoury in the world, holding approximately 32,000 pieces of weaponry, tools, and suits of armor.
És l’armeria històrica més gran del món, amb aproximadament 32.000 peces d’armament, eines i vestits.
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He was apprenticed in the armory.
Feia d’aprenent en una armeria.
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Send a team to the armory now.
Envia un equip a l’armeria ara.
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The Eibar Armory School, founded in 1913, has also played an important role in the development of the machine tool industry.
L’Escola d’Armeria d’Eibar, fundada en 1913, ha exercit també un paper important en el desenvolupament de la indústria de la màquina eina.
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Go down to the armory, get everything you can.
Ves a l’armeria i agafa tot el que puguis.
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’Have you been in the armory lately?’?
Ha estat a l’armeria darrerament?
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So great was the scandal, the reaction to and reception of that exhibition, organized in the Armory of the 69th regiment, that over the years, it became an insurmountable reference when talking about art in the United States.
Tal va ser l’escàndol; tal la reacció; tal la recepció, que aquella exposició organitzada a l’armeria del regiment 69, amb els anys, va passar a ser un referent inviolable per explicar l’art als Estats Units.
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- Special stores: unique weapons and armory
- Botigues especials: armes úniques i armeria
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