arronsat arronsada adj
- bent double
How these courageous sons of Mars, who had buckled before the foreign enemy, raged with bestial cruelty against defenseless people, prisoners, and the fallen. | Com aquells decidits fills de Mart que s’havien arronsat davant l’enemic exterior, l’emprengueren amb una crueltat bestial contra indefensos, presoners i caiguts! |
Font: MaCoCu | |
It flies with its neck tucked. | Vola amb el coll arronsat. |
Font: NLLB | |
In this country Trade Unionism has never achieved the general strike : it has even shrunk from attempting any large-scale sympathetic strike. | En aquest país el sindicalisme mai no ha assolit la vaga general: fins i tot s’ha arronsat d’intentar cap vaga de solidaritat a gran escala. |
Font: NLLB | |
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