It is remembered for its gritty realism.
Se’l recorda pel seu aspre realisme.
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It becomes rough and scaly with age.
Es torna aspre i escatós amb l’edat.
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There was a rough patch of skin.
Hi havia un pegat aspre de pell.
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Its rough, broken coat is distinctive.
És distintiu el seu abric aspre i estripat.
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It is used as a spice due to its bitter and spicy taste.
S’utilitza com espècia pel seu sabor aspre i picant.
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It has simple, serrated, rounded leaves and a rough texture.
Té fulles arrodonides simples i serrades i de tacte aspre.
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The wind and the sea have shaped this harsh landscape.
El vent i la mar han modelat aquest paisatge aspre.
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Steel can be pretty rough on your fingers when you’re just getting to grips with it.
L’acer pot ser força aspre per als dits quan t’hi enfrontes.
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These molecules leave a particularly harsh and unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Aquestes molècules deixen un sabor especialment aspre i desagradable en la boca.
Font: MaCoCu
Made of rough material and at the ends they add silver metal reinforcement.
Fabricada en material aspre i als extrems afegeixen reforç de metall platejat.
Font: MaCoCu
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