Make sure that the person can find the bathroom.
Assegurar-se que la persona pugui trobar el bany.
Font: MaCoCu
Ensure that the work orders have been completed.
Assegurar-se que s’han complert les ordres de treball.
Font: MaCoCu
Please ensure you are familiar with the terms mentioned in Terms.
Assegurar-se d’estar familiaritzat amb els termes esmentats a Termes.
Font: MaCoCu
Make sure that both surfaces are clean and dry.
Assegurar-se que les dues superfícies estiguin netes i seques.
Font: MaCoCu
Ensure that children do not use their full name.
Assegurar-se que els menors no utilitzen el seu nom complet.
Font: MaCoCu
Ongoing support to ensure everything is working on the day
Suport permanent per assegurar-se que tot està funcionant en el dia
Font: MaCoCu
As an author, it allows you to ensure that you have sufficiently cited your sources.
Com a autor, permet assegurar-se d’haver citat prou les seves fonts.
Font: MaCoCu
In addition, you should make sure that the policy covers the costs of repatriation.
També cal assegurar-se que la pòlissa cobreixi les despeses de repatriació.
Font: MaCoCu
Some applications have been given special attention to make sure that they perform correctly.
Algunes aplicacions han rebut una atenció especial per assegurar-se que rendeixen correctament.
Font: Covost2
The band secured a new recording contract with Sony Records.
La banda va assegurar-se un nou contracte de gravació amb Sony Records.
Font: Covost2
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