It leaves the viewer frightened, terrified and petrified.
Deixa l’espectador espantat, aterrit i petrificat.
Font: Covost2
What have seen in the last decade of this work has terrified me.
El que he vist la darrera dècada d’aquest treball m’ha aterrit.
Font: MaCoCu
The film was marketed with the tagline "Alone... terrified... trapped like an animal."
La pel·lícula es va promocionar amb el lema "Sol... Aterrit... Atrapat com un animal."
Font: wikimedia
He adds, “Does it help tell a story of hope to an electorate that has become terrified of change?”
Afegeix: “Ajuda a explicar una història d’esperança a un electorat que s’ha aterrit del canvi?”
Font: MaCoCu
Poison, the means that certain organisms use in order to survive, has terrified and fascinated humans since the beginning of time.
El verí és el mitjà de supervivència d’alguns organismes que des dels orígens han aterrit i fascinat l’home.
Font: MaCoCu
This legend is situated in a little kingdom in Catalonia called Montblanc. People in this place were attacked and intimidate by a Dragon.
Segons explica la llegenda, hi havia un poble a Catalunya (Montblanc) que vivia aterrit per culpa d’un drac.
Font: MaCoCu
Terrified of his master, he will not run away, and since he’s been treated with cruelty all his life, he passes that down to the younger slaves that he manages.
Aterrit pel seu amo no fugirà i, com tota la vida ha estat tractat amb crueltat, cruelment tracta els esclaus més joves sota el seu comandament.
Font: TedTalks
I’m terrified about the 18 yolks.
Estic aterrit pels 18 rovells.
Font: AINA
It wasn’t that he was terrified.
No era que estigués aterrit.
Font: AINA
Terrified, he summons his butler.
Aterrit, truca al seu majordom.
Font: AINA
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