There is no independence without self-esteem, nor self-esteem without a sense of identity.
No hi ha independència sense autoestima ni autoestima sense identitat.
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- Self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Autoconeixement, autoestima i autoconfiança.
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It generates self-esteem and social cohesion.
Genera autoestima i cohesió social.
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It improves our physical appearance and our self-esteem.
Millora l’aparença física i l’autoestima.
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Her low self-esteem is pathetic.
La seva poca autoestima és patètica.
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It aims to build self-esteem in teenagers.
L’objectiu és fomentar l’autoestima entre els adolescents.
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Reinforces self-esteem and inner feminine strength.
Reforça l’autoestima i la força interior femenina.
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It boosts their self-esteem and emotional intelligence.
Potencia la seva autoestima i intel·ligència emocional.
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8 November: Self-esteem taster course for women.
8 de novembre: Tastet d’autoestima per dones.
Font: MaCoCu
Personal dimension: Boosts self-esteem and social awareness.
Dimensió personal: Potencia l’autoestima i la consciència social.
Font: MaCoCu
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