We may be as effectually enslaved by the want of laws in America, as by submitting to laws made for us in England.
Podem ser tan efectivament esclavitzats per la manca de lleis a Amèrica com per la submissió a lleis fetes per a nosaltres a Anglaterra.
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Their relationship seemed to work effectively.
La relació semblava funcionar efectivament.
Font: Covost2
Moore was, in fact, elected.
Moore va ser efectivament elegit.
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This confusion is indeed dangerous.
Aquesta confusió és efectivament perillosa.
Font: MaCoCu
The fog is very dense indeed!
Efectivament, la boira és molt densa!
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Indeed, he married her for love.
Efectivament, es va casar per amor.
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"Yes, indeed" answered the little woman.
"Sí, efectivament" va respondre la doneta.
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Only those that are effectively paid are eligible.
Només són subvencionables aquells efectivament pagats.
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The scene effectively concludes their story.
L’escena conclou efectivament la seva història.
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We are effectually set apart for God.
Som efectivament apartats per a Déu.
Font: MaCoCu
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