He was prudent and temperate, not effeminate in either his food or his dress.
Era prudent i tranquil, no era efeminat ni pel seu menjar ni pel seu vestit.
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Vulnerable and effeminate, he’s unhappy that Olga is secretly dating a married man.
Vulnerable i efeminat, li desagrada que Olga es vegi en secret amb un home casat.
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It’s faggy without being homosexual.
- Sí. És efeminat sense ser homosexual.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
This may sound rude but I feel you are quite effeminate...
Això pot semblar fort, però el trobo efeminat.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
They consider me effeminate and old-fashioned.
Em consideren efeminat i antiquat.
Font: AINA
What does the word effeminate mean?
Què significa la paraula efeminat?
Font: AINA
Because your son is effeminate . "".
Perquè el teu fill és efeminat ».
Font: AINA
An effeminate General treats the madam in front of other cuckolds.
Un General efeminat obsequia madama davant d’altres banyuts.
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I am often called effeminate by people, and I am flattered.
La gent em crida sovint efeminat, i em sento afalagat.
Font: AINA
Heracles, upon seeing the effeminate Dionysus dressed up like himself, can’t help laughing.
Hèracles, quan veu l’efeminat Dionís vestit com ell, es posa a riure.
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