The candidates were voted for directly by the electorate.
L’electorat va votar directament pels candidats.
Font: Covost2
He represented the constituency for the next twelve years.
Va representar l’electorat durant els següents dotze anys.
Font: Covost2
The electorate of Saxony would be Prussia’s sole German ally.
L’electorat de Saxònia seria l’únic aliat alemany de Prússia.
Font: Covost2
He served the multi-member electorate alongside his son John.
Va servir l’electorat de diversos representants juntament amb el seu fill.
Font: Covost2
His way of achieving his victory was by mobilizing his natural electorate.
La seua manera d’aconseguir la victòria era mobilitzant el seu electorat natural.
Font: Covost2
The name was also given to a suburb within the electorate.
El nom també es va donar a un suburbi dins de l’electorat.
Font: Covost2
A system that orientates its representative member towards its party might dispel this one from the electorate.
Un sistema que oriente el representant cap al seu partit l’allunyarà del seu electorat.
Font: Covost2
He adds, “Does it help tell a story of hope to an electorate that has become terrified of change?”
Afegeix: “Ajuda a explicar una història d’esperança a un electorat que s’ha aterrit del canvi?”
Font: MaCoCu
This secular non-religious vote, if properly mobilized, is nine times as numerous as the Jewish vote.
El vot secular o no religiós, si és degudament mobilitzat, és nou vegades més gran que l’electorat jueu.
Font: TedTalks
The electorate is entitled to a vote.
L’electorat té dret a votar.
Font: Europarl
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