The Republican candidate was elected.
Van elegir el candidat republicà.
Font: Covost2
Choose and revoke the director.
Elegir i revocar el director.
Font: MaCoCu
But as it is more than probable that we shall never be without a Congress, every well-wisher to good order, must own, that the mode for choosing members of that body, deserves consideration.
Però com que és més que probable que no estarem sempre sense un Congrés, tots els partidaris del bon ordre han d’acceptar que la manera d’elegir els membres d’aquest cos mereix la nostra consideració.
Font: riurau-editors
You’ll choose from the following three options:
Has d’elegir una d’aquestes 3 opcions:
Font: MaCoCu
One independent Liberal was also elected.
També es va elegir un liberal independent.
Font: Covost2
As if the proletariat is free to choose!
Com si el proletariat tingués llibertat d’elegir!
Font: MaCoCu
One of the following concertos, to be chosen by the contestant:
Prova final Un dels concerts següents, a elegir:
Font: MaCoCu
Choose CPU and RAM values independently
Elegir valors de CPU i RAM de manera independent
Font: MaCoCu
Five supervisors were elected; she placed eighth.
Es van elegir cinc supervisors; ella quedà al vuitè lloc.
Font: Covost2
The society elected David Hare as honorary visitor.
La societat va elegir David Hare com a visitant honorari.
Font: Covost2
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