In Creative Processes we are doing a workshop to string chairs.
A Processos Creatius estem fent un taller d’encordar cadires.
Font: NLLB
It also includes practical details on how to string and tune the instrument.
També inclou detalls pràctics sobre com encordar i afinar l’instrument.
Font: AINA
Traditional arts and dance Finally, the Sant Ferran retirees’ club will offer workshops on traditional pursuits like sewing, reseating chairs, basket weaving, wool working, cooking, and ballroom and salsa dancing.
Taller d’arts tradicionals i ball Finalment al club de jubilats de Sant Ferran s’oferiran tallers oberts a tothom d’arts tradicionals com taller de costura, curs d’encordar cadires, curs de cistellons, curs de filar llana, curs de cuina, així com taller d’assaig de ball: saló, salsa.
Font: MaCoCu
Naturally, you can’t string something as thick as a bass string.
Naturalment, no es pot encordar una cosa tan gruixuda com una corda de baix.
Font: AINA
You should not string melons or meet your ex again, no matter how pure the purpose is.
No has d’encordar melons ni tornar a trobar-te amb el teu ex, no importa com sigui de pur el propòsit.
Font: AINA
During the process, we take out the damaged ropes and learn to string again, combining the rope with creative and original materials.
Durant el procés, traiem les cordes malmeses i aprenem a encordar de nou, combinant la corda amb materials creatius i originals.
Font: NLLB
From elementary to junior high school, I was taught many skills such as; knitting, music, workshop, sculpting, painting, stringing etc.
Des de l’escola primària fins a la secundària, em van ensenyar moltes habilitats com ara; teixir, música, taller, esculpir, pintar, encordar, etc.
Font: AINA
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