None of these proposals will succeed.
Cap d’aquestes propostes tirarà endavant.
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So I said, "Come in!"
Així que vaig dir “Endavant!”
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He took a step forward.
Va fer un pas endavant.
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We’ll see what happens later on.
Veurem què passa més endavant.
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You just can move forward.
Només pots moure’t cap endavant.
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The road will diverge further along.
La carretera es bifurcarà més endavant.
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She probably worked it out in advance.
Probablement ho va resoldre per endavant.
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I walked forward a few steps.
Caminava cap endavant uns quants passos.
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He later overcame this perception.
Més endavant va superar aquesta percepció.
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He who does not look forward, is left behind.
Qui endavant no mira, endarrere cau.
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