They advise you on how to approach a physiological problem.
T’assessoren de com enfocar un problema fisiològic.
Font: MaCoCu
How to focus on the first rounds of financing?
Com enfocar les primeres rondes de finançament?
Font: MaCoCu
The issue has to be viewed from another perspective.
El problema s’ha d’enfocar des d’una altra perspectiva.
Font: Covost2
Child twists or closes one eye to focus.
L’infant torça o tanca un ull per enfocar.
Font: MaCoCu
The camera may recognize and focus on a human face.
La càmera pot reconèixer rostres i enfocar-los.
Font: wikimedia
- that allows you to focus on your career.
- que us permeti enfocar la vostra carrera professional.
Font: MaCoCu
Magnification: 60x with possibility to adjust the lens to focus
Augments: 60x amb possibilitat d’ajustar la lent per enfocar
Font: MaCoCu
Focus Methods of focusing an optical system and depth of field.
Focus Mètodes d’enfocar un sistema òptic, profunditat de camp.
Font: MaCoCu
I focused a lot on creating a strong portfolio.
Em vaig enfocar molt a crear un bon portafolis.
Font: MaCoCu
I would like to focus on the things I would do, he said.
M’agradaria enfocar-me en les coses que faria, va dir.
Font: Covost2
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