When this space was restructured the walls with the murals were chiselled in order to re-plaster them.
En estructurar de nou aquest espai es van picar les parets amb els murals per poder enguixar-les de nou.
Font: MaCoCu
And they put the same plaster on me again, up to the elbow.
I em van tornar a enguixar igual, fins al colze.
Font: AINA
This device can both build and plaster the inner and outer walls at the same time.
Aquest dispositiu pot construir i enguixar les parets internes i externes alhora.
Font: AINA
From cleaning guttering, painting and decorating, tiling, plastering, fixing problems around the home.
De netejar canalons, pintar i decorar, enrajolar, enguixar, arreglar problemes a la llar.
Font: AINA
At those times, in order to cover the owner’s eyes, he used a trick to apply a layer to the animal’s stomach, and then plastered the mud out.
En aquells moments, per cobrir els ulls de l’amo, va fer servir un truc per aplicar una capa a l’estómac de l’animal i després va enguixar el fang.
Font: AINA
The hole in the wall was a drawing (not a real hole).If the worker plastered it, it means that the drawing was done so well that it seemed real.
El forat a la paret era un dibuix (no un forat real). Si l’obrer ho va enguixar, vol dir que el dibuix estava fet tan bé que semblava real.
Font: AINA
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