And all this fuss, why?
I tot aquest enrenou, per què?
Font: MaCoCu
That all sounds a bit of a kerfuffle.
Tot això sona una mica a enrenou.
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You don’t have to make all that fuss about it.
No has de fer tot aquest enrenou sobre això.
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The issue caused a stir in the Muslim community.
El tema va causar un gran enrenou a la comunitat musulmana.
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It is where they grew up, amid the hubbub of dishes, pots and pans and clients.
Allà hi van créixer, enmig de l’enrenou de plats, olles i clients.
Font: MaCoCu
Even before its release, this movie caused a stir because of its content.
Ja abans d’estrenar-se aquesta pel·lícula va originar un enrenou pel seu contingut.
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These spacious and comfortable rooms offer a refuge from the bustle of the city.
Aquestes espaioses i còmodes habitacions suposen un refugi de l’enrenou de la ciutat.
Font: MaCoCu
This modern hotel offers a relaxing retreat away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Aquest hotel modern ofereix un retir relaxant, lluny de l’enrenou de la vida quotidiana.
Font: MaCoCu
Cas Gasi has always offered guests an escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Cas Gasi ofereix als seus hostes una escapada de l’enrenou de la vida diària.
Font: MaCoCu
Can Vital is a special place far from the toxic hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Can Vital és un lloc especial lluny de l’enrenou tòxic de la vida quotidiana.
Font: MaCoCu
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