Is it necessary, then, to insist on going back to that sad day a year ago?
Cal, doncs, entossudir-se a tornar a aquell dia trist de fa un any?
Font: AINA
Striving to fulfill this commitment at any cost could be counterproductive for the tourist destination itself.
Entossudir-se a complir aquest compromís a qualsevol cost podria resultar contraproduent per a la destinació turística.
Font: AINA
At least he could trust that Felipe II did have plenty of reasons to commit himself fully to the company in England.
Almenys podia confiar que Felip II sí que tenia sobrades raons per entossudir-se de ple a l’empresa d’Anglaterra.
Font: AINA
For my part, I ask, if it is impossible for these people to have offspring naturally, why insist on having it artificially?
Jo per part meva pregunto, si de manera natural és impossible per a aquestes persones tenir descendència, per què entossudir-se a tenir-la de manera artificial?
Font: AINA
In several public interventions, the Argentine president himself, Nestor Kirchner, has referred to the issue and has urged the police institutions to commit themselves thoroughly in the search for him.
En diverses intervencions públiques, el mateix president argentí, Néstor Kirchner, s’ha referit al tema i ha urgit les institucions policials a entossudir-se a fons a la recerca.
Font: AINA
You don’t have to be stubborn about deciding to be ’one or the other’ for the rest of your life, and if you don’t want to hang out with people, you don’t have to.
No cal entossudir-se a decidir ser ’un o altre’ per a la resta de la vida, i si no vols sortir amb gent, no ho has de fer.
Font: AINA
Not until long afterward would he realize how thoroughly he had decided never to love, in order not to put anyone in the terrible position of being loved.
Solament al cap de molts anys serà capaç de comprendre perquè va entossudir-se a no estimar mai: per no obligar mai a ningú a posar-se en la terrible situació de ser estimat.
Font: NLLB
How much science, good treatment and hope come together in the difficult moments in which health professionals are like your family, trying to save you from darkness?
Quant de ciència, bon tracte i esperança s’ajunten en els difícils instants en què els professionals de la salut són com la teva família, en entossudir-se a salvar-te de la foscor?
Font: AINA
The secret to being like a great cook before the family or friends is not to complicate with strange ingredients and, of course, not determine to create impressive dishes for what we are not prepared.
El secret per quedar com un gran cuiner davant de la família o amics és no complicar-se amb estranys ingredients i, per descomptat, no entossudir-se a crear impressionants plats per a allò que no estem preparats.
Font: AINA
No nation ought to be without a debt.
Cap nació hauria de trobar-se sense deute.
Font: riurau-editors
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