Plasma is made to stay out of the way as it helps you get things done.
El Plasma està fet per no entremetre’s, ja que ajuda a fer les coses.
Font: MaCoCu
Why impinge upon the powers and responsibilities of the Council of Europe?
Per què entremetre’s en les competències i responsabilitats del Consell d’Europa?
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It is not for Europe to meddle in the internal affairs of any nation.
No li correspon a Europa entremetre’s en els assumptes interns de cap nació.
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I regret the attempt to cling on to quotas and to interfere with trade in that way.
Lamento l’intent d’aferrar-se als contingents i d’entremetre’s en el comerç d’aquesta manera.
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We must avoid meddling and try not to provoke conflicts through clumsy phrasing.
Es tracta de no entremetre’s i no provocar conflictes a causa de formulacions desafortunades.
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Their view is that the government should not interfere in their profits and possessions.
Addueixen com a argument que les autoritats no han d’entremetre’s en els seus beneficis i propietats.
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Europe should not get involved in matters that would, in the final analysis, be regulated more effectively at national level.
Europa no ha d’entremetre’s en assumptes que, en el fons, es regulen millor a escala nacional.
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The solution is not to tamper in any way with the rights of workers in small businesses.
La solució no està a entremetre’s de cap manera en els drets dels treballadors de les petites empreses.
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A European Monitoring Centre for industrial change is at odds with the liberal principle that governments should not interfere in commercial decisions.
Un Observatori europeu per als canvis industrials va en contra del principi liberal que els governs no han d’entremetre’s en les decisions comercials.
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It is also clear, as I stated at the beginning, that it is up to companies to take business decisions and that the Commission will not interfere in such affairs.
També és obvi, tal com he indicat al principi, que les empreses han de prendre decisions empresarials en les quals la Comissió no ha d’entremetre’s.
Font: Europarl
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