Use plain water in between, if needed.
Usa aigua corrent entretant, si fos necessari.
Font: MaCoCu
In the meantime, the use of smartcards has become extremely popular.
Entretant, l’ús de les targetes intel·ligents s’ha popularitzat molt.
Font: Covost2
In between he worked in Innsbruck at the court of Archduke Ferdinand II.
Entretant, treballaria a Innsbruck al tribunal de l’Arxiduc Ferran II.
Font: wikimedia
In between, he played winter ball in the Dominican Republic and Venezuela.
Entretant, va jugar a beisbol hivernal a la República Dominica i a Veneçuela.
Font: Covost2
Meanwhile, what are we doing?
I què fem nosaltres entretant?
Font: Europarl
Who is going to pay for it in the mean time?
Però entretant, qui ho pagarà?
Font: Europarl
Meanwhile, cultural conflicts are arising.
Entretant, creixen els conflictes culturals.
Font: Europarl
In the meanwhile, this people has become so weary.
Entretant, aquest poble s’ha cansat.
Font: Europarl
But what have we done along the way?
Però què hem fet entretant?
Font: Europarl
Meanwhile we have the activity of the round tables.
Entretant tenen lloc taules rodones.
Font: Europarl
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