Sour mouth cannot spit honey.
Boca amarga no pot escopir mel.
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I feel so good I could spit.
Em sento tan bé que podria escopir.
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When seriously pressed, it can spit acid.
Quan es pressiona de debò, pot escopir àcid.
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You can spit a reddish substance when you feel threatened.
Pot escopir una substància vermellosa quan se sent amenaçada.
Font: MaCoCu
He had to spit some tobacco out of his mouth.
Va haver d’escopir una mica de tabac de la boca.
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A huge dragon comes forth and starts breathing flames at the party.
Arriba un drac gegant i comença a escopir flames a la festa.
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Shake well before use, rinse mouth for 1 minute and spit out
Remoure bé abans d’usar, esbandir-se la boca durant un minut i escopir
Font: MaCoCu
One of the times that this may happen is when we brush and spit and we find blood-tinged saliva.
I això ens pot passar quan en raspallar-nos les dents i escopir trobem sang a la saliva.
Font: MaCoCu
He ran off before anyone could spit.
Va fugir abans que ningú pogués escopir.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
I don’t trust you farther than I can spit.
No confio en tu més lluny d’on puc escopir.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
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