Also he knew that, beside scratching the own pocket, he was asking for money the friendship and to persons that he was visiting.
També sabia que, a més d’escurar-se les butxaques pròpies, demanava diners a les amistats i a persones que visitava.
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Additionally, using the dishwasher instead of washing up by hand or opting for the microwave instead of the oven can sometimes help to considerably reduce energy consumption. CAREFUL WATER
D’altra banda, utilitzar el rentavaixella en comptes d’escurar a mà o optar pel microones en lloc del forn, de tant en tant, pot ajudar a reduir, considerablement, el consum energètic.
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I cleared my throat very often.
Em vaig escurar la gola moltes vegades.
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In the moment of silence someone cleared his throat.
En aquell moment de silenci algú es va escurar la gola.
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Chimney to be swept as advised by a fully qualified Chimney Sweep.
Cal escurar la xemeneia com aconsella un escura-xemeneies totalment qualificat.
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On our earth we are obviously much too small to clean out our volcanoes.
Evidentment, a la nostra terra som massa petits per escurar els volcans.
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Throat clearing, grunting, and coughing are all common vocal tics.
Aclarir-se la gola, escurar, esbufegar i tossir són tics vocals freqüents.
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Either of the two options will leave your stomach satisfied and you licking the plate.
Qualsevol de les dues opcions us deixarà la panxa satisfeta i ganes d’escurar el plat.
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Wringing out the relationship that we have with food: right down to the marrow, with the screen as a serviette.
Escurar la relació que tenim amb el menjar: fins al moll de l’os, amb la pantalla per estovalles.
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But we lawyers, we see the same evil feelings repeated again and again, nothing can correct them; our offices are sewers which can never be cleansed.
Però, nosaltres els procuradors, veiem repetir-se els mateixos mals sentiments, res no els corregeix, els nostres despatxos són clavegueres que no es poden escurar.
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