Immediate necessity makes many things convenient, which if continued would grow into oppressions.
La necessitat immediata fa convenients moltes coses que si continuessen augmentarien fins a esdevenir opressions.
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He became a taxi driver in Croydon.
A Croydon va esdevenir taxista.
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The goods may become obsolete.
Els béns poden esdevenir obsolets.
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It became an inextricable tangle.
Va esdevenir una confusió inextricable.
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This became a particular tradition.
Va esdevenir una tradició particular.
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Yes, becoming the director of an institution!
Sí, esdevenir director d’una institució!
Font: MaCoCu
On what the human being can become.
De l’Esdevenir de l’Ésser Humà.
Font: MaCoCu
How to become a responsible investor
Com esdevenir un inversor responsable.
Font: MaCoCu
Later he became Grand Ayatollah.
Més tard va esdevenir Gran Aiatol·là.
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In the same month he became a magistrate.
El mateix mes va esdevenir magistrat.
Font: Covost2
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