There were other cities that were mentioned.
Es van esmentar altres ciutats.
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No further details were mentioned.
No es van esmentar més detalls.
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He never mentioned that you were lovers.
Mai no va esmentar que éreu amants.
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He invites her over without mentioning the video.
Ell la convida sense esmentar el vídeo.
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In the twentieth century he mentioned it.
En el segle XX el va esmentar.
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She also named several of the mountains and peaks.
Ella també va esmentar diverses muntanyes i cims.
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I have thought it better not to mention it to her.
He pensat que és millor no esmentar-li-ho.
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Note that medial and lateral are relative terms.
Cal esmentar que medial i lateral són termes relatius.
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I may now perhaps mention what I wished to say to you?
Potser ara podré esmentar el que volia dir-te?
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The dean, for example, mentioned the case of England.
El degà, per exemple, va esmentar el cas d’Anglaterra.
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