We neither mean to set up nor to put down, neither to make nor to unmake, but to have nothing to do with them.
No pretenem ni establir ni enderrocar, ni donar ni llevar, sinó no tenir-hi res a veure.
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At the same time assuring all such courts of our peaceable disposition towards them, and of our desire of entering into trade with them.
I al mateix temps que assegurés a totes aquestes corts la nostra disposició pacífica envers elles, i el nostre desig d’establir-hi una relació comercial.
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And on this ground, as men laboring to establish an Independent Constitution of our own, do we exceed all others in our hope, end, and aim.
I sobre aquest base, com a homes que treballen per establir una constitució independent per nosaltres mateixos, sobrepassem tots els altres en la nostra esperança, el nostre fi i el nostre propòsit.
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He established a plantation here.
Hi va establir una plantació.
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To enter into brotherly unions.
Per a establir unions fraternals.
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Other families also settled there.
També s’hi van establir altres famílies.
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Six houses were originally established.
Es van establir originalment sis cases.
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He set up practice in Evansville, Indiana.
Va establir-se a Evansville, Indiana.
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It established two groups of drugs.
Va establir dos grups de fàrmacs.
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Thus, a precedent was set.
Així, es va establir un precedent.
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