estaquirot m
- [US] boob | [US] dumbass | booby | dope | dumbbell | dummy | pinhead
- droopy drawers | droopy-drawers
- [colloquial] stick
The Festival will continue Saturday 15 January with L’Estaquirot Teatre’s L’aventura d’avorrir-se. | La Mostra continuarà dissabte 15 de gener amb la companyia L’Estaquirot Teatre, que presenta L’aventura d’avorrir-se. |
Font: MaCoCu | |
- We’re not hanging around all day. | No farem l’estaquirot tot el dia. |
Font: OpenSubtitiles | |
(Laughter) But instead, I remained a glorified piece of furniture that you could only recognize from the back of my head, and it became clear to me that casting directors didn’t hire fluffy, ethnic, disabled actors. | En canvi, vaig quedar allà com un estaquirot, no se’m veia res més que l’esquena, i era evident per a mi que els directors de repartiment no contractaven actrius grassonetes, no blanques, amb discapacitat. |
Font: TedTalks | |
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