That’s essential because done badly, improvisation can easily go off the rails, if there’s no one able to steer it enough so it doesn’t become completely inane.
La improvisació mal entesa pot estimbar-se fàcilment contra el primer penya-segat, si no hi ha ningú al volant que sigui capaç de mantenir un cert rumb.
Font: MaCoCu
The head of the animal smashed onto the ring.
El cap de l’animal va estimbar-se contra el ring.
Font: NLLB
Or will it be the turn to fall off the fiscal cliff, another of the horsemen, one more, that announces the Apocalypse?
O serà el torn d’estimbar-se pel penya-segat fiscal, un altre dels genets, un més, que anuncia l’Apocalipsi?
Font: AINA
Every time Europe seems ready to go over the edge, policy makers find a way to avoid complete disaster.
Cada vegada que Europa sembla a punt d’estimbar-se pel precipici, els responsables polítics troben una manera d’evitar la catàstrofe total.
Font: NLLB
And the city of Toledo seems to plunge into a cataclysm over the river from its vantage points, unlike El Greco, also so blue, who raised it.
I la ciutat de Toledo sembla estimbar-se en cataclisme sobre el riu des de les seves talaies, al contrari del Greco, tan blau també, que l’elevava.
Font: AINA
[98] He attempted to drive his vehicle off a cliff, and at another time, demanded that he be pushed into and buried in a grave he had dug in his backyard.
[80] Va provar d’estimbar-se amb el seu cotxe, i una altra vegada, va reclamar que l’empenyessin i l’enterressin en una tomba que havia cavat al seu jardí.
Font: HPLT
Therefore left to run after each other, and slugging it out, and for some, trying to learn how to fly alone, jumping as high as possible, hundreds of meters in height, was easy, and they avoided crashing brutally on the ground, which was even easier.
Així doncs, corrien, es pegaven i alguns intentaven volar autònomament saltant el més amunt possible, cosa que era fàcil per a ells, tot tractant d’evitar estimbar-se brutalment contra el sòl.
Font: HPLT
Video: Bus accident leaves several dead Some 52 people, including children, died in Peru when a bus full of passengers plunged down a 200-meter-deep ravine.
Vídeo: Accident d’autobús deixa diversos morts Unes 52 persones entre ells nens, van morir al Perú en estimbar-se un autobús ple de passatgers per un barranc de 200 metres de profunditat.
Font: AINA
Then (by the same implausible shortcut that would have sent any actress trying it off her feet) he bagged three more statuettes, stepping down from fame whenever he felt like it to return to Broadway.
Després (per la mateixa drecera impracticable que hauria fet estimbar-se qualsevol actriu que ho hagués intentat) va aconseguir tres estatuetes més, baixant de la fama quan li donava la gana per tornar a Broadway.
Font: AINA
The aircraft crashed at the east end of E Hangar.
L’avió es va estimbar a l’extrem est de l’hangar E.
Font: Covost2
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