Love is fire and women tow.
L’amor és foc i la dona, estopa.
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Boats carried oakum and chisels to patch leaks.
Els vaixells transportaven estopa i cisells per reparar fugues.
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Estopa The most awarded duo in Spanish music.
Estopa El duet més premiat de la música espanyola.
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Man is fire, woman hemp, the devil arrives and blows.
L’home és foc, la dona, estopa, arriba el diable i bufa.
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Gunpowder, woman, and stove, near a fire are perilous.
La pólvora, la dona i l’estopa, prop del foc són un perill.
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The cloth was used by the ancient marshals for bonding or healing wounds.
Per a fer pegats o curar ferides, l’estopa era usada pels antics manescals.
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We are David and Jose, from Estopa, I suppose they said.
Som David i José, d’Estopa, suposo que van dir.
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Once in port, a group of shipyard workers got on the ship to caulk its hull, inserting a combination of tar-soaked hemp tow between the wooden boards to prevent water from entering between the grooves.
Una vegada en port, un grup de treballadors de les drassanes van pujar al navili per a calafatejar el seu casc, introduint entre les taules de fusta una combinació d’estopa de cànem embeguda en brea per a evitar l’entrada d’aigua entre les ranures.
Font: MaCoCu
[0064] A plurality of the drawn filaments were bundled to form a tow, and the tow is cut to obtain staple fibers having a length of 5 mm.
Es va lligar una pluralitat de filaments estirats per formar una estopa, i l’estopa es va tallar per obtenir fibres tallades que tenien una longitud de 5 mm.
Font: AINA
This year, Estopa’s RumbaRock will flood the Gardens of Cap Roig Festival.
Aquest any la rumba-rock d’Estopa inundarà els Jardins de Cap Roig.
Font: HPLT
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