Our De Nit: " It’s stupid delicious.".
El nostre De Nit: "estúpidament deliciós".
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"She should have come by the omnibus," he repeated and repeated stupidly.
"Hauria d’haver vingut amb l’òmnibus", repetia estúpidament una vegada rere l’altra.
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"This beats ghosts," he said, and laughed stupidly.
«Això bat els fantasmes», va dir ell i va riure estúpidament.
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I stupidly went after her.
Estúpidament vaig anar darrere seu.
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At first, I stupidly accepted.
Al principi, vaig acceptar estúpidament.
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I deleted all the applications stupidly.
He esborrat totes les aplicacions estúpidament.
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But stupidly, I still did it.
Però, estúpidament, encara ho vaig fer.
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Green parks are stupidly artificial
Els parcs verds són estúpidament artificials
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And stupidly I still like it anyway.
I estúpidament encara m’agrada de tota manera.
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And I stupidly continued with it.
I jo, estúpidament, vaig continuar amb ella.
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