Everything that is not that, evangelically speaking, is a fallacy.
Tot el que no és, evangèlicament parlant, és una fal·làcia.
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Since its first steps, the Community of Sant’Egidio has chosen evangelically to bring the Gospel into people’s lives, so as to be salt and light of the earth.
Des dels seus primers passos, va decidir evangèlicament dur l’Evangeli a la vida de les persones, sent així sal i llum.
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I said, however, that Jesus’ assertion, for most of us, is too often, but an excuse not to “commit ourselves evangelically” in our daily chores.
Deia, però, que l’afirmació de Jesús, per a moltes i molts ens és, massa sovint, motiu d’excusa per a no “mullar-nos evangèlicament” en el nostre quotidià.
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It is always the perennial today of the Risen Lord that demands that we do not resign ourselves to the repetition of the past, and have the courage to ask ourselves whether the proposals of yesterday are still evangelically valid.
És sempre el perenne hui del Ressuscitat, que ens imposa que no ens resignem a la repetició del passat i tinguem el valor de preguntar-nos si les propostes d’ahir seguixen sent evangèlicament vàlides.
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