But all this will be useless.
Però tot això serà inútil.
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Useless, unhealthy and unsafe internment
Internament inútil, insalubre i insegur
Font: MaCoCu
This is just pointless and detrimental.
Això és inútil i perjudicial.
Font: globalvoices
The whole thing seemed depressingly futile.
Tot plegat semblava inútil d’una forma depriment.
Font: Covost2
It was useless for solving those evils.
Era inútil per a solucionar aquells mals.
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Useless as a screen door on a submarine.
Més inútil que un cendrer en una moto.
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Without the dataset, the article is useless.
Sense el conjunt de dades, l’article és inútil.
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Running was futile because they were so small.
Córrer era inútil de tan petits que eren.
Font: Covost2
There is no need to dwell upon similar groups in other countries.
És inútil esplaiar-se sobre grups semblants d’altres països.
Font: MaCoCu
Needless, to say insulting, ask for any other brand.
Inútil, per no dir insultant, demanar una altra marca.
Font: MaCoCu
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