Diccionari anglès-català: «judici»


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Resultats de la cerca per a «judici»

judici m 

  1. [UK] judgement | judgment | assessment
  2. [UK] judgement | judgment | mind | opinion
  3. [UK] judgement | [UK] sound judgement | judgment | sound judgment | soundness | reason | wisdom | wiseness
  4. reason | intellect | understanding
  5. comment | input | remark | judgment | [UK] judgement | statement
  6. sentiment
  1. judgment | judicial decision | sentence | decision of law | legal opinion | opinion | ruling
  2. trial
  1. decision | [UK] judgement | [US] judgment

en judici adv 

  1. on trial

judici final m 

  1. Judgment Day | Judgement Day | Day of Judgment | Day of Judgement | Last Judgment | Last Judgement | Last Day | eschaton | day of reckoning | doomsday | crack of doom | end of the world

judici erroni m 

  1. misjudgment | [UK] misjudgement

dia del judici m 

  1. Judgment Day | Judgement Day | Day of Judgment | Day of Judgement | Last Judgment | Last Judgement | Last Day | eschaton | day of reckoning | doomsday | crack of doom | end of the world

error de judici m 

  1. misjudgment | [UK] misjudgement

judici fraudulent m 

  1. show trial

judici en rebel·lia m 

  1. judgment by default

vista de judici oral f 

  1. audience | hearing
  2. oral procedure | oral proceedings

dia del judici final m 

  1. Judgment Day | Judgement Day | Day of Judgment | Day of Judgement | Last Judgment | Last Judgement | Last Day | eschaton | day of reckoning | doomsday | crack of doom | end of the world

dia del judici universal m 

  1. Judgment Day | Judgement Day | Day of Judgment | Day of Judgement | Last Judgment | Last Judgement | Last Day | eschaton | day of reckoning | doomsday | crack of doom | end of the world

persona sotmesa a judici f 

  1. subject

judici de cara a la galeria m 

  1. show trial
Exemples d’ús (fonts externes)
Equality on Trial, coverage and analysis of the trial. Igualtat en el Judici, cobertura i anàlisi del judici.
Font: wikimedia
And there is no instance in which we have shown less judgment, than in endeavoring to describe, what we call, the ripeness or fitness of the Continent for independence. I no hi ha cap exemple en què hàgem mostrat menys judici que esforçant-nos a descriure el que anomenem la maduresa o la preparació del continent per a la independència.
Font: riurau-editors
On the day of judgment. En el dia del judici.
Font: Covost2
She does not expect a judgment? Ella no espera cap judici?
Font: Covost2
The crime, trial, and execution El crim, judici, i execució
Font: wikimedia
A trial full of irregularities and lacking a legal basis This is a trial that has no legal basis. Un judici amb irregularitats i sense fonament legal És un judici que no té fonament legal.
Font: MaCoCu
There will be no dissenting judgment. No hi haurà cap judici dissident.
Font: Covost2
He was not involved in any trial. No va intervenir en cap judici.
Font: Covost2
The Stalinist Trial Of Julian Assange. El judici estalinista de Julian Assange.
Font: MaCoCu
Wherefore your testimony in whatever light it is viewed serves only to dishonor your judgment, and for many other reasons had better have been let alone than published. En conseqüència, el vostre testimoni, es veja sota una llum o una altra, serveix sols per a deshonrar el vostre judici i per moltes altres raons hauria estat millor deixar-lo en pau que publicar-lo.
Font: riurau-editors
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Diccionari anglès-català de Softcatalà – Presentació i crèdits – Publicat amb llicència Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0